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4.4.4.p.2. Procedure: Southeastern Technical College Performance Evaluation


All full-time employees at Southeastern Technical College shall receive an annual performance evaluation.

Performance-based salary increases for faculty and staff are effective on a date determined by the General Assembly. Employees shall be given a performance-based salary increase if the Georgia Legislature has appropriated funds to provide an increase and the employee received a satisfactory evaluation for the previous evaluation year. Employees hired after the evaluation period are eligible to receive a performance based raise, but they must be employed with STC for at least 6 months and be performing at a level that meets expectations to receive the raise.

Evaluation Period

This evaluation is used to determine if the employee is meeting his responsibility to the college and to identify areas that need improvement.

1) The performance evaluation period begins on May 1 and ends on April 30 of the following year.

2) Employees hired by STC during the performance evaluation period are to be evaluated from the date of hire through April 30.

3) Performance based salary increases are effective on a date and at a percentage determined by the General Assembly.

4) When employees have transferred to new positions during a performance evaluation period, evaluating supervisors as of April 30 are to complete the evaluations and make the salary increase eligibility determinations. Evaluating supervisors may take into consideration any evaluation completed during the performance evaluation period by previous evaluating supervisors.

5) Employees hired after the evaluation period are eligible to receive a performance based raise, but they must be employed with STC for at least 12 months and be performing at a level that meets expectations to receive the raise. The evaluating supervisor, with approval from the Vice President, should submit a written recommendation to the Director of Human Resources to either grant or deny a performance based salary increase.

Annual Evaluations
Evaluation instruments based on written job descriptions have been developed for all personnel. The evaluative criteria are outlined on the Performance Management evaluation.

By April 30 of each year, employees are to complete self-evaluations on their Performance Management form under the column Actual Performance. Employees should list important accomplishments made during the year beside each section to which the accomplishment applies. This self-evaluation will assist the evaluating supervisor in the scoring of the employee's performance.

There are two sections on the evaluation form where a supervisor is to give a numerical score on the employee's performance.  In the first section, where the standards directly tie to the job responsibilities, the scores range from 1 to 5 with 1 meaning the employee consistently fails to meet the requirements of this standard and 5 meaning the employee consistently exceeded the requirements of this standard. The second section scores, where the standards tie directly to work ethics, range from 1 to 3 with 1 being unacceptable and 3 meaning the employee met the standard. The employee's average score for all criteria in each section must be greater than or equal to 3.0 in order to receive a performance raise. If the score for either section falls below 3.0, the supervisor should develop a plan to identify ways to help the employee improve his performance.  An average score of below 3.0 also requires that the supervisor notify the division vice president prior to the evaluation to ensure the vice president agrees with the scores given. Once the divisional vice president concurs with the scoring, the vice president should notify the Director of Human Resources and Auxiliary Services and the President to inform them of the employee's evaluation. Regardless of the scores, the supervisor should go over the evaluation with the employee and explain each score, and the supervisor and the employee should both sign and date the evaluation.

The final step of the evaluation process is for the supervisor to review with the employee his or her job responsibilities for the upcoming evaluation period. If changes are to be made to the employee's job responsibilities, they should be specified in the last section of the evaluation form. Signatures by the employee and the supervisor are required in this section, signifying their understanding and review of the employee's performance expectations for the following year.

A copy of the evaluation should be given to the employee and another copy should be placed in the employee's personnel file. Performance evaluations for all employees, except for those of direct reports to the President, require the signatures of two levels of management.

Staff Development
The annual evaluation is also the time for the employee and the supervisor to review the staff development activities from the year just ended and the staff development activities planned for the next fiscal year. STC requires all faculty and administrators to receive at least 50 hours of staff development.  The minimum hours for STC staff are 20 hours of staff development. All employees should bring their staff development plans and completed staff development activity forms with supporting documentation to the evaluation.

Along with the signed evaluation, the supervisor should forward the completed staff development plan for the previous year to the Vice President. The evaluations of all direct reports to a Vice President should be forwarded to the President for approval. These documents should be submitted to the Director of Human Resources by May 31.

Adopted: June 25, 2009
Reviewed: May 20, 2019; May 18, 2020; May 10, 2021;
Revised: May 24, 2017;